FUMA Contemporary Tokyo | BUNKYO ART
北京のM WOODS HUTONGにて開催される"KAWAIIアート展"に彫刻家・北彩子とペインター・山田航平が参加いたします。

展覧会では、北彩子の木彫、限定フィギュア《Alter Ego》、山田航平の絵画を公開。その後、11月2日よりAPPortfolioオンラインストアにて北彩子の限定フィギュア《Alter Ego》を販売いたします。

KAWAII Art Exhibition will be held in M WOODS HUTONG, Beijing

The latest works of art by Ayako Kita, Kohei Yamada, Satoru Koizumi, Takeru Amano, Yuichi Hirako and Kawasaki Yasuhito will be presented on the spot. It is also the first time that these works have been presented in mainland China.
 Meanwhile, on October 31st, the first day of the event, APPortfolio will release limited artworks of 《Alter Ego》by Ayako Kita on site. After that, the release will be available on APPortfolio online store on November 2nd.

KAWAII 日本聯展即將落地北京木木藝術社區 2020年10月31日-2020年11月15日,將攜手日本6位獨立藝術家,在北京M WOODSHUTONG(木木藝術社區)打造一場「萌愛藝術展」—— KAWAII ART EXHIBITION。

現場將呈現北彩子(Ayako Kita)、山田航平(Kohei Yamada)、平子雄一(Yuichi Hirako)、小泉悟(SatoruKoizumi)、天野タケル(Takeru Amano)、和川崎泰史(Kawasaki Yasuhito)的最新藝術作品,也是這批作品在中國內地的首次呈現。
在欣賞展覽的同時,活動開展首日APPortfolio將會現場開售北彩子的作品《Alter Ego》的限量藝術品,並於北京時間2020年10月31日下午16時在木木藝術社區進行線下發售,北京時間2020年11月2日上午10時於 APPortfolio官網線上開售。

◆ Exhibiting Arists: 北彩子、山田航平、平子雄一、小泉悟、川崎泰史
◆Date: October 31, 2020 - November 15, 2020
◆Address: the third floor of Mumu art community (building 15, 38 Qianliang Hutong, 95 longfushi street, Dongcheng District, Beijing)

Ayako Kita's upcoming works

雕刻家・北彩子(Ayako Kita)


Sculptor・Ayako Kita
Ayako Kita combined wooden statue with acrylic resin to express the purpose of a slender beautiful girl. In the production process, the image is first solidified to determine the wood carving part and the acrylic part. The making of this full-scale artwork took a lot of time and effort. First it is the wooden part that needed to be handled delicately. Next it’s the acrylic part that made of clay and silicon, and then poured into epoxy resin while paying attention to bubbles and curing. After all, the wooden carving and acrylic parts are assembled together into one piece. This piece shows the cuteness and the warmth of the character, while the transparent resin tries to express the girl's emptiness and vague existence.
Alter Ego - A | h30 cm | resin | Limited editions:30
Alter Ego - B | h30 cm | resin | Limited editions:30
Alter Ego - C | h30 cm | resin | Limited editions:30
Alter Ego - D | h30 cm | resin | Limited editions:30
Alter Ego - WOOD | h30 cm | wood, resin | Limited editions:50

Kohei Yamada's upcoming works

Factory Girl (Camouflage) | Oil on Cotton | 91 x 72.7 cm

Contact us
FUMA Contemporary Tokyo | BUNKYO ART © 2020, All rights reserved.
104-0042 東京都中央区入船1-3-9長崎ビル9F
9F, Nagasaki Bldg., 1-3-9 Irifune, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0042 JAPAN
TEL: 03-6280-3717

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