FUMA Contemporary Tokyo | BUNKYO ART 金子國義 Kuniyoshi Kaneko 4/10(火)~4/28(土)
16、17、23、24日休廊/11:00-18:30 *トークショー15日(日)16:00- ゲスト:四谷シモン氏 聞き手:金子修氏【参加費¥1000】 We are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays during the exhibition except on Tuesday, April 10. 2015年春、金子先生は逝去されました。美しいものが大好きだった先生、花の香りにつつまれる今春、ご遺族のご協力を賜り、「金子國義 夢の中」を開催させていただきます。 今展では、画壇デビュー当初から支援者の貴重なコレクションを含め、第1回目(1967)、2回目(1969)、個展の表題である「花咲く乙女たち」「千鳥たち」の初期油彩画、約15点を展示、また、ドローイング、版画、金子氏のアトリエの一部再現もご覧頂けます。時代を超えたスキャンダラスで麗しい世界を是非お楽しみ下さい。古くより交友のあった四谷シモン氏の作品も展示いたします。 FUMA Contemporary Tokyo | BUNKYO ART is going to hold The Kuniyoshi Kaneko Exhibition from Apl 10 to Apl 28. This exhibition includes Kaneko’s valuable works collected by a supporter who backed Kaneko up from the beginning of his artistic career. We are going to showcase 15 pieces of Kaneko’s early stage works selected from the 1st edition of his solo exhibition, “Virgins Blooming,” and from the 2nd edition of his solo exhibition, “Plovers.” Furthermore, we will have on display and for you to enjoy drawings, prints, and a replica of some of his studio and that includes personal items used daily through his life. We hope you will be able to appreciate the beautiful but scandalous world of his art transcending time and space. We will also display some works by Shimon Yotsuya, who renewed his old friendship with Kaneko from a long time ago.